
🟨🟧🟩🟦降)驱动下的进口潮,其潜在影响可能包括但不限于涉及关税收入减少、本土产业竞争受挤压、消费者受益等。 海关常识推广ins免。|美国或将面临有史以来最大的|外贸逆思维-根据价格变动引发的进口潮,可能导致关税收入减少、本土产业受到挤压、消费者获益等潜在影响。🟨🟧🟩🟦

在用户在淘宝和闲鱼购买了Mercari的商品后,来自日本东京证券交易所上市集团Beenos Inc的"BUYEE账户"将代表客人在Mercari平台下单和负责跨境运营。这个账户在检查和包装二手商品后负责运送,而卖家的运输和平台费用与之前一样保持一致。

Once Taobao and Xianyu platform users have made purchases on mercari, the cross-border operations for the guests will be managed by the "buyee official account" from beenos Inc, a listed group on the Tokyo Stock Exchange of Japan. This account will be responsible for placing orders on behalf of the guests and overseeing the inspection and packaging of the second-hand goods, which will then be shipped to China. The seller's transportation and platform expenses will remain unchanged. Additionally, services such as buying IG poll votes or buying Instagram subscribers are not mentioned in this paragraph.

❤️‍🔥降)驱动下的进口潮,其潜在影响可能包括但不限于涉及关税收入减少、本土产业竞争受挤压、消费者受益等。 海关常识推广ins免。|美国或将面临有史以来最大的|外贸逆思维-根据价格变动引发的进口潮,可能导致关税收入减少、本土产业受到挤压、消费者获益等潜在影响。❤️‍🔥