

【注意】每次收到起诉,我们会通过 KAM team 通知卖家,并要求他们在1-2天内处理,要么提供授权证件,要么删除产品。如果卖家不处理,当地 QC 将会删除产品,删除原因是"reason code 为 Hàng vi phạm quyền sở hữu trí tuệ", "reason_id": 233(版权侵犯)。

When a lawsuit is received, the seller will receive a notification from the Kam team. Typically, the seller has 1-2 days to address the issue by providing the authorization certificate or removing the product. If the local QC fails to handle it, the reason code "Hàng Vi phạm Quyền sở hữu trí tuệ" will be deleted and replaced with the reason ID 233 (copyright infringement).

①参加 FSS 免运项目的服务费费率将从 3%调整到 4%,每件商品佣金上限 10K VND 不变 ②当 FSP 与虾币返现项目(Coin Cash Back,简称 CCB)同时参加时,服务费费率将由 5%调整到 6%,每件 商品佣金上限 20K VND(商品佣金上限不变) 


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