全地修改亚马逊收款账号而不被审核?|停运,又一跨境电商平台覆没推特 增|eric侵权只是表象?亚马逊卖家洗|免邮件进入垃圾邮箱?how


亚马逊非常重视将买家放在他们的平台上并确保他们通过他们购买您的产品。因此,您不得鼓励买家直接向您购买(例如您的网站)或更改为其他销售平台。您的任何营销材料中都不会出现任何网址或其他类型的网站推介 - 即使它们与要求采取行动的要求没有直接关系。

Amazon attaches great importance to putting buyers on their platform and ensuring that they buy your products through them. Therefore, you should not encourage buyers to buy directly from you (such as your website) or change to other sales platforms. No website or other type of website promotion will appear in any of your marketing materials - even if they are not directly related to the request for action.how to host in Instagram

为了使您的包装插页成功,您需要深入了解您的客户。获得这些见解的 佳方式是通过测试。测试哪些设计,内容和号召性用语 受客户欢迎。找出真正有效的方法可以将您的响应率从 %提高到20-30% - 使包装插入成为一种非常有效的营销工具。

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